Bill Cox's ART TO HEART presentations have been featured with great response for nearly 50 years at regional, state, and national conferences as well as at hundreds of churches throughout the country and beyond. This unique and powerful worship experience has consistently received enthusiastic response from audiences of all ages, children through senior adults.

The complete program includes a 25-minute special effects chalk drawing plus dramatic monologs, message, and music. The drawings are done on a large drawing board with colored and fluorescent chalks. Several types of black lighting and special effects enhance the drawings and seemingly bring them to life. They are unlike any other chalk drawing you may have seen. 

Each drawing is done to a soundtrack of music, narration, and sound effects. Services usually range in length from 60-90 minutes, or in some situations the chalk drawing can stand alone.

Over the years, we’ve done “Art to Heart” in many different settings including:
• Churches
• Schools
• Colleges
• Student conferences (state, regional, and national)
• Senior adult conferences (regional and state)
• Conference and civic centers
• Hotel ballrooms
• Banquet halls
• Theaters
• Theme parks
• Camp grounds
• Amphitheaters
• Tents
• Town squares
• Warehouses
• Ice skating rinks

To present Art to Heart, we bring a truss system for the chalk drawing board, equipment for projected effects, a stage lighting system, specialized lighting for the drawing, and a sound system.

Please contact us for more information about bringing Art to Heart with Bill Cox to your church or community.
