Looking for a special way to help convey the true story of the nativity this Christmas?

Christmas Chronicles with Bill Cox just might be the answer to your search. For many years Bill has been performing original monologues based on characters which were a part of that holy night. These highly entertaining dramatic portrayals, which combine both humor and Biblically faithful spiritual insight, have been performed for churches, corporate banquets, civic organizations, Christmas parties, etc. and were a part of Concoxions Cornerstone Christmas Dinner Theater  for eight seasons.

From Sunday services to banquets, there's a lot of flexibility in how Christmas Chronicles can be used. Bill performs five monologues that can be combined with Christmas music in many ways. Christmas Chronicles has been incorporated into elaborate productions complete with choirs, orchestras, soloists, ensembles, and instrumentalists. The presentation of Christmas Chronicles has often been as simple as a verse of a Christmas carol being sung between monologues to allow for a quick costume change.

The five monologues last a total of about 30 minutes (not including time for costume changes) so the length of the program depends on how much music you’d like to include.

 Contact us if you're interested in making Christmas Chronicles part of your celebration of the season. We’d be glad to send you more information.

We can bring the pictured curtains and backdrop whenever it would be helpful